I experienced my first fun technology glitch as a professor last Friday. I worked on my Powerpoint for my 3pm class most of the day and in the 5 min walk from my office to class, my flash drive decided it would contabuleminate my file. So, I had 30 minutes to come up with something else. I'm lucky I'm always early to class. In the end I think it worked out. The student got to play in Photoshop instead of just hearing about it.
Also, my awesome laptop cannot handle some of the features of Photoshop and Maya that I am trying to teach. That will have to be addressed sooner or later. On a similar note, does anyone know how many files I can write/erase/reorganize on my little thumb drive before it goes on strike? By now I know that I would have.
In a completely unrelated turn of events I have discovered that I am in love with Coldstone Creamery's Shakes. I had a PB&C and tried my wife's Milk and Cookies one. If I was Oprah, they would be one of my 10 favorite things for the year (I do not watch Oprah BTW). I think it heaven, I will eat Qdoba and drink a PB&C and not only will they be healthy for me, but they will taste great together.
~"This a peace conference or a slam dance party?"~
I have one zip drive that does not have its casing. And I have owned it for over 5 years. Maybe my zip drive is just better then yours or likes me better.